Hope Baptist Church, Nasedegu. Then and Now.

Hope Baptist Church, Nasedegu. Then and Now.

With great joy I announce today that the building for our church in Nasedegu is completed. The whole construction process has been a rollercoaster, but we were blessed with dedicated men and women from the village who stayed faithful and continued to help through any circumstances. The first time I… Continue reading…



“And He said to them, ‘Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.’ For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.“ Mark 6:31 Dear faithful ministry partners, after 11 years of full-time ministry here on the continent of… Continue reading…

Demonic Activity And Missions

Demonic Activity And Missions

Here it is, one of the least talked about, frequently avoided topics in biblically conservative circles. Demonic activity. Our Pentecostal and charismatic brothers love to talk about it. Christians around the world discuss it frequently. But, in the polite, conservative, churches in the suburban US we don’t discuss it. We… Continue reading…

Hope Baptist Church, Sitima

Hope Baptist Church, Sitima

Today we visited a church in the village of Sitima, where pastor Chinthalo is serving his people. Sitima is located in a remote area, 50 minutes driving distance from town, off the main road, off a dirt road and even off a bicycle path. In many places the grass has… Continue reading…

Malawi’s looming food crisis

Malawi's looming food crisis

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, with 53% of the population living below the national poverty line and 90% of whom are living on less than $2 per day.  The large majority of the population lives in rural areas, engaged in subsistence farming. People here depend… Continue reading…