Christmas 2018

It is almost Christmas, that time of the year when all of us are thinking about family, joy, being with the loved ones and gifts, many gifts. We would like to continue our “tradition” and give some gifts of love to the children of Kachere and Mpyupyu and we need your help.

As you know, these 173 children receive daily food and love at our two Feeding Centres, but by now they know Christmas is coming and you can see the anticipation in their precious eyes!

Help us give them a gift this Christmas.

We’ve been doing this every single year since the beginning of this ministry and we would like to continue for as long as possible. Our plan is to raise enough money to buy something useful and good for these children. We need $20/child and this totals to $3,460 – an amount well over our capabilities. This money will buy each child some necessary items like soap, tooth paste, shoes plus some things they really like: assorted sweets and toys.

You can donate online, through PayPal account or using any other ways found on our “Give” page. You can also use the form below, which will redirect you to PayPal as well. We have two requests: 1. Please give with joy and 2. Please let us know immediately so we can expect that money and know how close we are to the goal. Thank you!

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  1. Salut Ovi mă bucur să pot fi de folos pentru un zâmbet sincer de copil Bunul Dumnezeu să vă ajute in continuare să faceți bucurii celor micuți pe care Domnul îi prețuiește enorm .

  2. Thank you, Ovi for taking such good care of my husband, Jimmy, while he was there with Cary and Betty Lynn.
    Praying for blessings for you and your family, too!

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